Here are 6 Malware attacks You Should Know About

Malware is the most significant danger that businesses and individuals face today. It may severely threaten your devices, cybersecurity, and online privacy. It is because they work in silence without the victim’s awareness. Therefore, before becoming a victim, it’s a good idea to be aware of the more sophisticated methods hackers employ to access your personal information.

What is a Malware Attack?

Malware (often called malicious software) is any invasive program created by cybercriminals to steal data and harm or destroy computers and computer systems. It is created, utilized, and sold by online criminals for various purposes, although it is most typically used to steal personal, business, or financial data.


There are different malware attacks, each designed to accomplish a specific purpose.

Most Common Types of Malware


This is the most famous type of malware. They are computer programs that replicate themselves over a network or computer system. Malware viruses tack on to already-running applications and are only triggered when the user launches the application. In its worst forms, viruses can damage or destroy data, propagate through email sent by the user, or completely wipe out a hard drive.

Fileless Malware

Fileless malware doesn't directly affect files or the file system, unlike regular malware that infects computers via executable files. Instead, non-file objects used by this kind of malware include PowerShell, WMI, Microsoft Office macros, and other system utilities. Antivirus programs struggle to defend against fileless malware since there isn't an executable file.


Ransomware may be the most dangerous of them all. It is a criminal business strategy that employs malicious software to lock up important files or data and demand payment. Consequently, criminals may only open the files after the payment is done.


It spies on your behavior while you use your device and the data you transmit and receive to transfer that data to third parties. A special kind of malware called a keylogger captures every user's keystroke, making it ideal for obtaining passwords.


Adware is a kind of spyware that compels your browser to reroute to online adverts, many of which actively attempt to download additional harmful software. Adware often accompanies enticing "free" apps like games or plug-ins.


A trojan is software incapable of reproducing itself but seems to be something the user wants to deceive them into activating and allowing it to propagate and harm.

How to Protect Yourself From Malware Attacks

Malware takes advantage of flaws in your software and hardware. It would be best to use a multifaceted strategy to guard against malware. However, of significant, practice safe technology practices. Many malware infections are caused through social engineering attempts that trick users into actively clicking a link, downloading a file, or running software. During security awareness training, users are taught to stay away from shady URLs and not download sketchy files.